9:03 a.m.
According to Sarasota County Sheriff Bill Balkwill, just after President
Bush enters
a Booker Elementary classroom, a Marine responsible for carrying
President Bush's phone
walks up to Balkwill, who is standing in a nearby side room. While
listening to someone talk to
him in his earpiece, the Marine asks, "Can you get me to a television?
We're not sure what's going
on, but we need to see a television." Three Secret Service agents, a SWAT
the Marine and Balkwill turn on the television in a nearby front office
just as
Flight 175 crashes into the WTC. "We're out of here," the Marine tells
"Can you get everyone ready?"
Mrs. Daniels' 2nd grade class
9:06 a.m.
– President Bush is in a Booker Elementary School second-grader classroom.
His chief of staff, Andrew Card, enters the room and whispers into his
"A second plane hit the other
tower, and America's under attack." President Bush, having
just been told of the second
WTC crash , does not leave the Sarasota, Florida, classroom
he entered around 9:03.
Rather, he stays and listens as 16 Booker Elementary School
second-graders take turns
reading a story called Pet Goat, about a girl's pet goat.
They are just about to begin
reading when Bush is warned of the attack.
President Bush then picks up
the book and reads with the children "for eight or nine minutes."
In unison, the children read out loud, "The - Pet - Goat. A - girl -
got - a - pet - goat.
But - the - goat - did -
some - things - that - made - the - girl's - dad - mad." And so on.
President Bush mostly
listens, but does ask the children a few questions to encourage them.
At one point he says,
"Really good readers, whew! ... These must be sixth-graders!"
In the back of the room,
Press Secretary Ari Fleischer catches President Bush's eye and
holds up a pad of paper
for him to read, with "DON'T SAY ANYTHING YET" written on it in
big block letters
9:16 a.m.
President Bush leaves the Sarasota classroom where he has been since about
The children finish their lessons and put away their readers. President
Bush advises the children
to stay in school and be good citizens. He also tells the children,
"Thank you all so very much for showing me your reading skills."
One student also asks President Bush a question, and President Bush gives
a quick response
on his education policy. A reporter asks, "Mr. President, are you
aware of the reports of the
plane crash in New York? Is there any..." This question is interrupted by
an aide who has come
into the room, saying, "All right. Thank you. If everyone could please
step outside."
Bush then says, "We'll talk about it later." President Bush then
tells school principal
Gwen Tose-Rigell, who is in the room, about the terror attacks and why he
has to leave.
He then goes into an empty classroom next door and meets with his staff

As Director of Communications Dan Bartlett points to news footage of the
World Trade Center Towers burning,
President George W. Bush
gathers information about the attack at Emma E. Booker Elementary School
in Sarasota, Fla.,
Sept. 11, 2001. Also
photographed are Director of White House Situation Room, National Security
Deborah Loewer (directly
behind the President) and Senior Advisor Karl Rove (right). White House
Photo By Eric Draper